Sunday, March 22, 2009

Because Nora is today...right this moment in...London (! ) - (school trip) - I thought I'd post some random photos from my trip there (2 years ago in June) after my Paris research trip (on Louise Talma - another post or 5 there...). Synchronicity is a kind of cosmicity. Enjoy!

You know you're not in the US when...

Yes, I HAD to go to...

Cool graffiti there...

THE crosswalk...
Kitsch store at the underground station (St. John's Wood):

And now for something completely different...the Tate Modern...

View of the Thames from the cafe on top of the Tate Modern:

Delicious cappucino...*loved* the design!

Woman communing with herself at the Tate Modern...

I think this might qualify as a Zen koan...

This one just made me laugh...

I treated myself to a show in London, my first! It was wicked good!

Happy trip back, Norita! See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos, Sarah, especially the woman communing with herself! ha, ha, ha! Keep them coming!
