Monday, March 16, 2009

More cosmic Chicago sites, well just one really

A month ago I was in Chicago (is it really that long ago already?! My, time flies! I must be having fun...) and I went to the Museum of Modern Art. The art was very cool and stopped me a number of times and made me reconsider reality in some way - something I expect museums of modern art to do. But my favorite part of the place was the staircase. Check it out:

There is a goldfish pond at the bottom:

But what really fascinated me was the rest of it...pretty cool, hunh? I was compelled to take more photos than really necessary! I love it when that happens!


  1. Once again, I am wowed and almost speechless (except "totally cool!") at your photos. May I use some of the photos as designs for paintings? They are incredible! Thanks for putting your own vision out here for the rest of us to see. xoxo

  2. I would LOVE to see paintings on these designs! Go for it! And thanks for the kind I guess I'm not the only one who gets energy from cool is that!?
